Sunday, October 7, 2012

200th & 250th Page Anniversary... way behind, sorry

Wow - I'm behind. 
So sorry, I've been on a writer's block for a few months. I've tried everything - rewriting the last few chapters, erasing a few chapters... ugh. Nothing's working well. 
But I am at 273 pages! That has to count for something, right? *sigh* I'm so grateful for my family and friends who are encouraging me to keep writing. I'm trying really hard - but I want to get it right, and it's hard, haha :) Pray for me! haha, and if you don't pray, then... just think of me and Song of the Dead.

(and, yes, I speak to the computer often)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

150th Page Anniversary

    Well, I've gotten to 150. Woot!  
    People ask me if I'm almost done, and the answer is no. I might be about half-way through, but with the ideas popping in my head, I might be only a fourth of the way through. I do have the ending though, so the hardest part is only filling in the middle :) Haha, I love writing.
     Adolf Hitler won WWII. His son is now dictator. 
    "It's not about who lived, but those who have gone."   - Lade